Roman Beier

3D VR Tetris

Summary - Whether you know Tetris or not, it doesn't take much to get the gist of this true game classic. That's why its a perfect match for a gamified test environment for various interaction and manipulation techniques in virtual reality.

3D VR Tetris offers an entertaining and easily understandable task for a scientific user research in virtual reality and spatial computing. Our prorotype offers the barebone functionality to implement interactions methods and quantitative measurements.

Besides, adding one dimension to Tetris makes the game much more fun and exceptionally harder to play.

Cover Image

Conventional Tetris

Conventional 2D Tetris offers little freedom in the way objects can be moved. Tetris players can only move and rotate blocks along one axis, therefore they have 1 Degree of Freedom (DoF).

2D Tetris

3D Interaction (Navigation / Translation / Orientation)

Extending Tetris by a thrid dimension offers new interaction possibilities:

Interaction Challenges

Three dimensions also include certainc challenges to the interaction such as:

Interaction Challenges

Interaction Design

This project approached multiple solutions for interacting with complex 3D objects in space. First investigations led to the adaption of the following techniques:

Interaction Design

The pictures below depict exemplary scenes and interaction techniques from our pilot study with VR Tetris

Example Interactions